Mini Quiz: Which kind of Product Manager?
Just for fun, I created a mini quiz in my third favourite tool (GoogleSheets), to help Product Managers understand which type of Product Manager they are. And maybe find the gaps in their skill set that they could add to in order to become a different Product Manager.
The tool can also be used for anyone looking for a Product Manager, just flip it and think about which qualities you want more in your next Product Manager hire.
I must stress, that this is for fun only, it’s not scientific! It is my opinion and the tool took me only 30 minutes of Spreadsheeting, so it’s not error-free or perfect.
Give it a go here. Just copy the sheet and add your own scores to your copy of the sheet, simple, hopefully. Message me if you find a massive error.
In an effort to try to make it hard to not just get the feel-good answer like…
“You’re the best and most awesome Product Manager ever”
I’ve limited it to 40 points per section. No duplicating of a score either — so you can only use 10 once for instance on each section.
For an explanation of which “type” of Product Manager you are, check this article.